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You may remember Roby is a quick shooter and we struggled during his solo and oral to not have him bust too soon. Genres: Build Swimmer ,Chest Hairy ,Hair ,Chest Smooth ,Natural ,Ethnicity White Guys ,Hair Brown ,DK Blond ,Hair Shaved ,Pubic Hair Intact But there is more! Rodion was in the need of two cocks, but he wanted them both at the same time! Needless to say that these two give him what he was craving most! The excitement is so, that Lior and Rodion end up in a 69 position, with Rick rimming Rodion and ultimately fucking Rodion's ass whilst the other two are still in the 69 position! Soon the tables turn a bit, when Lior decides to get Rick in the middile, fucking him, whilst he fucks Rodion. But whilst rubbing, it'd seem Lior and Rick want to rub the boy thoroughly, with one thing leading to the other soon the three boys are kissing and sucking Rodions body. Some photoshoots have happy endings, never said better, with Rodion as the model, Rick as the photographer and Lior as his assistant, these boys are off to an oily start, as Lior rubs down Rodions body with oil to get those so desired photos.

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Genres: Gay, Oral/Anal Sex, Big Dick, Blowjob

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